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Welcome! I am a researcher who consults, writes, and collaborates on projects related to:


  • Online Extremism

  • Redirect Method

  • Terrorism Research Methodologies

  • Preventing Violent Extremsim (PVE)

  • Disinformation

  • Misinformation

  • Online Harms


If you are also interested in these issues, I would love to hear from you. I am available to draft research reports, provide expert comment, help launch projects, and co-author working papers.


For consulting, collaborations, and media comments please email or submit the attached form.




Broderick McDonald

University of Oxford


Thank you!

Access to Databases

Access to the Jihadist Governance Database (JGD) and the Accelerationism Research Database (ARD) are intended to expand the range of primary sources available to the research community and preserve a historical record of important documents, images, videos, and audio files relating to Jihadist-Salafist and Far Right extremism for use in further research and analysis. To make these documents in a secure and safe format, interested researchers must submit and application form including their affiliation and contact information. Once confirmed, approved researchers will be emailed a link to access the databases under their current email address. Currently, access to the JGD is currently limited to the following categories:


I) Academic Researchers

II) Think-tank/Governmental Researchers

III) Journalists

IV) Independent Researchers*


There is no cost to access the Jihadist Governance Database (JGD) or the Accelerationism Research Database (ARD) but researchers and other users must submit a Database Access Form along with their details to gain accreditation. All users of the JGD/ARD confirm they will not replicate or share the JGD/ARD content to those without a university affiliation or any group in question (exceptions can be made in the case of publications which require the illustrative use of limited content by emailing the administrator). All forms will be reviewed by Brody McDonald or a member of the OxDEL team. There are no restrictions to accessing the Non-State Actors Trajectories (NSATD) database, however researchers should send an email explaining their research and how it is intended to be used.


*Independent researchers do not necessarily need an academic affiliation to view the database but should have extensive experience in this field and a well-defined research project. If you are an independent researcher who is either between affiliations or transitioning to a new role without an affiliation please send an email with details of your project or need for access.





Broderick McDonald Brody McDonald Oxford Headshot Profile Picture

Broderick McDonald | Snowmass Colorado

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